Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Pillow

Okay, I promise this is the last post about Pillow Swap 3 over on Flickr. At least until round 4 rolls around. I really appreciate every one's helpful ideas and support when I was struggling with this one.
I really wanted this one to be perfect because it was for Marianne. Last summer she offered a free long-arm quilting for the ORBC Quilt Along, and I won. She did such an amazing job on my quilt that I wanted to make something that would be an adequate thank you.
But then I was paralyzed by that desire to make it perfect. When I was in university, one of my profs told me I was a "Procrastinating Perfectionist." It describes me perfectly. In the end I run out of time and just have to go for it, but all the way leading up to it I'm always questioning every step, every decision. So all I can say is "Thank You" to everyone who took the time to respond to my fear that it just wasn't good enough. You are all wonderful.
In the end, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. I love the Nicey Jane fabric, and the mix of green, blue and grey. I added some buttons to hide some pretty serious imperfections in my quilting, but I'm okay with that. I know I'm not perfect, so my pillow doesn't have to be either. And Marianne has already told me she loves it. And that makes me happy. Very happy.


~Michelle~ said... 1

Ok, so green is soooo not my color, but I could get on board if it's combined with a fun mix of blue & gray fabrics. Lucky partner! And yes, I like the buttons even if they are really hiding something, that's a good trick. :)

Needled Mom said... 2

Beautiful!! I love the colors.

Jackie's Stitches said... 3

It's a wonderful pillow - you did a great job! I like the buttons too. I understand that you want it to be perfect and I never am I try and think of it in terms of whether or not I learned something. The answer is almost always yes. That makes me feel better.

Melanie said... 4

It's beautiful! I think the buttons look adorable. I don't think I've seen that Nicey Jane print in green - it's great!

Holly said... 5

I can totally relate to being a Procrastinating Perfectionist! I love the colours and design you chose for this pillow. I've got to try one of those scrapbuster blocks.