Thursday, June 2, 2011

My First Schnibble

We had a new niece born just 2 weeks after Susanna. I was hoping they'd have a little girl since they already have 2 boys, so I started a very girly quilt earlier this spring. Lucky for me the baby was a girl.

My First Schnibble Quilt is X-Rated!

The pattern is Shnibbles X-Rated. I used two April Cornell charm packs that my mom bought me a few years ago when her LQS closed. While the fabrics are lovely, they aren't really my style. But I think my sister-in-law will like it. I hope so anyway.


I really like this pattern. I'd love to make another sometime. But probably with bigger squares. There was a lot of piecing put into this tiny quilt.

I got some Valorie Wells fabric on sale at Christmas in Kamloops and it was perfect for the backing with the left-over charm packs. The label turned out to be super-sized for this size of quilt, but I stuck it on anyway. I thought about making a new one for about half a second. But honestly, who I am kidding...this quilt is lucky it got a label!

Quick Quilt Stats:

Size: 31"' x 31"
Pattern: Schnibbles X-Rated
Fabric: Little Romance by April Cornell (Moda)

I'll leave you with a photo of the lily of the valley that is finally in bloom in my yard. Let's just say that we are weeks behind this year. But the Canucks are playing for the Stanley Cup, so I can't really complain, can I?

Lily of the Valley

Now do I dare pop this quilt in the mail? Or is a mail strike looming?


Needled Mom said... 1

That is darling and perfect for a little girl.

Poppyprint said... 2

I heard the strike is likely, starting today. My letter carrier has not come by yet, so maybe it started? The quilt is adorable!!

Latane Barton said... 3

Such an adorable baby quilt. Gee, I wish we had some girls in this family.

Nanette Merrill said... 4

X marks the spot. Love that.

rubyslipperz1052 said... 5

I LUV the colors in the Schnibles quilt! So pretty!

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