Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Charity Quilts...and a giveaway!

I joined my local quilting guild a few months ago and signed up to help organize the charity quilts that we give to local children in care. We are giving the quilts away tomorrow and I quickly made two tops last week so we would have enough.

A zig-zag quilt using Amandajean's no triangle tutorial:

A fun Yellowbrick Road quilt using fabric from my stash. I was trying to make 'boy' quilts as there are many teen-aged boys in care in our town. Another guild member quilted them on her long-arm machine.

I've had the horses since the mid-nineties. It was time to use it up.
And since today is my 30th Birthday I thought I would give something to you. So here are two Amy Butler FQs for you. Just leave a comment with your name, where you are from, and what you would like for your birthday. Winner chosen randomly.
So, I'm Barb, from beautiful British Columbia, Canada. And I would love some of Heather Ross' Far, Far, Away for my birthday. Especially those purple unicorns...wouldn't it be a beautiful dress for my little girl?? Give-away closes Friday, May 22 at 9pm PST.


~Michelle~ said... 1

How did you like the no triangles? I can only assume it is so much faster! I can't imagine you quilting/hording fabric since the mid-90s - you were a teenager! I also was a teenager, and would have never dreamed I would be a quilter when I was that age. Anywho, I'm Michelle from Redondo Beach, CA...and my birthday is a long way off, so I can only guess I would like some fabric for my birthday! :) I have some FFA - the snails - and I need to find the bravery to cut into it! Some other day, I need to pick your brain about visiting BC - specifically Vancouver, will be there for a 1.5 days in August. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Kris said... 2

Happy happy birthday! I'm Kris from Minneapolis, Minnesota (though living now in Upstate New York). In terms of fabric, I'd love some Katie Jumprope for my birthday.

Nova said... 3

I'm from Ontario. I'd like pinking shears for my birthday, actually. :)

Sue Cahill said... 4

Hi, Sue from Niagara Falls, NY. I would love a gift certificate for my local quilt shop to just spend on whatever!

Happiest of birthdays to you/

Sue Cahill (sbonetsue atyahoo dot com)

Baba Nann said... 5

I am Nann from Oakland, CA by way of Chicago, Calgary, & Seattle.

Today is also my birthday. I would love to have some fun japanese import fabric with cute little animals on it. My pocket book won't let me splurge yet.

Deb Robertson Writes said... 6

I'm deb from Christchurch, New Zealand (right at the bottom of the globe!!). I want the new Patty Young range of fabrics for my birthday... well one can dream can't they??

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said... 7

Hi Barbie, a very happy birthday to you!
I am Jane from the Chicagoland area I married a tarus and I am a virgo, we have been married 31 years, so I think that means your fabric would be very happy in my home but if not for my birthday, I would love fabric, Christmas Fabric!!

Dresden Quilter said... 8

Hi Barbie,

Happy Belated Birthday

My name is Michelle and I am from Ontario, Canada. For my birthday I would love a roll of batting and some fabric from the Fresh line by Deb Strain from Moda.

Nancy said... 9

My name is Nancy and I'm from Phoenix, AZ. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, and the one things that I didn't get but would have loved, was a cake plate. Thanks for the great giveaway and I hope your birthday was wonderful.

Anonymous said... 10

Hi - I'm Kristi from Tucson, AZ I would love it someone would send a maid over to my house. She could come and clean every couple of weeks. That would be a nice present! Don'tcha think! Then I could sew- sew- sew Happy Birthday

Rachel Slote-Brown said... 11

Happy Birthday! I also turn 30 this year (in September) and I would like 30 fat quarters and a day of quilting. I live just outside Ann Arbor Michigan.

Dianah said... 12

Happy Birthday!!! I am Dianah from Stockton, Ca and Bee Inspired. I turn 35 in 3 months, since we are dreaming a bright red Corvette! I would also be happy with a Bali Pop!


Lori Kay said... 13

Happy Birthday, Barb. My name is Lori. I live in Watertown, MA, right outside Boston, MA. For my birthday, I would like a sunny day (it's never sunny in November around here) and lunch with my husband.