I joined my local quilting guild a few months ago and signed up to help organize the charity quilts that we give to local children in care. We are giving the quilts away tomorrow and I quickly made two tops last week so we would have enough.

A fun Yellowbrick Road quilt using fabric from my stash.
I was trying to make 'boy' quilts as there are many teen-aged boys in care in our town. Another guild member quilted them on her long-arm machine.
I've had the horses since the mid-nineties. It was time to use it up.
And since today is my 30th Birthday I thought I would give something to you. So here are two Amy Butler FQs for you. Just leave a comment with your name, where you are from, and what you would like for your birthday. Winner chosen randomly.
So, I'm Barb, from beautiful British Columbia, Canada. And I would love some of Heather Ross' Far, Far, Away for my birthday. Especially those purple unicorns...wouldn't it be a beautiful dress for my little girl??
Give-away closes Friday, May 22 at 9pm PST.
A zig-zag quilt using Amandajean's no triangle tutorial:
How did you like the no triangles? I can only assume it is so much faster! I can't imagine you quilting/hording fabric since the mid-90s - you were a teenager! I also was a teenager, and would have never dreamed I would be a quilter when I was that age. Anywho, I'm Michelle from Redondo Beach, CA...and my birthday is a long way off, so I can only guess I would like some fabric for my birthday! :) I have some FFA - the snails - and I need to find the bravery to cut into it! Some other day, I need to pick your brain about visiting BC - specifically Vancouver, will be there for a 1.5 days in August. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Happy happy birthday! I'm Kris from Minneapolis, Minnesota (though living now in Upstate New York). In terms of fabric, I'd love some Katie Jumprope for my birthday.
I'm from Ontario. I'd like pinking shears for my birthday, actually. :)
Hi, Sue from Niagara Falls, NY. I would love a gift certificate for my local quilt shop to just spend on whatever!
Happiest of birthdays to you/
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue atyahoo dot com)
I am Nann from Oakland, CA by way of Chicago, Calgary, & Seattle.
Today is also my birthday. I would love to have some fun japanese import fabric with cute little animals on it. My pocket book won't let me splurge yet.
I'm deb from Christchurch, New Zealand (right at the bottom of the globe!!). I want the new Patty Young range of fabrics for my birthday... well one can dream can't they??
Hi Barbie, a very happy birthday to you!
I am Jane from the Chicagoland area I married a tarus and I am a virgo, we have been married 31 years, so I think that means your fabric would be very happy in my home but if not for my birthday, I would love fabric, Christmas Fabric!!
Hi Barbie,
Happy Belated Birthday
My name is Michelle and I am from Ontario, Canada. For my birthday I would love a roll of batting and some fabric from the Fresh line by Deb Strain from Moda.
My name is Nancy and I'm from Phoenix, AZ. My birthday was a couple weeks ago, and the one things that I didn't get but would have loved, was a cake plate. Thanks for the great giveaway and I hope your birthday was wonderful.
Hi - I'm Kristi from Tucson, AZ I would love it someone would send a maid over to my house. She could come and clean every couple of weeks. That would be a nice present! Don'tcha think! Then I could sew- sew- sew Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday! I also turn 30 this year (in September) and I would like 30 fat quarters and a day of quilting. I live just outside Ann Arbor Michigan.
Happy Birthday!!! I am Dianah from Stockton, Ca and Bee Inspired. I turn 35 in 3 months, since we are dreaming a bright red Corvette! I would also be happy with a Bali Pop!
Happy Birthday, Barb. My name is Lori. I live in Watertown, MA, right outside Boston, MA. For my birthday, I would like a sunny day (it's never sunny in November around here) and lunch with my husband.
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