Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nothing like a deadline to make me finish a quilt!

I finally got the last of the buttons sewed on my little doll quilt this morning. Of course, today is the deadline to ship internationally, and I am going to make it, whew. (So there is a little hint...this quilt is not going to Canada).

I meant to get it finished yesterday but after pricking three tiny little holes in three of my fingers while sewing buttons, I thought I should take a bit of a break before finishing. Perhaps I should use a thimble???

This little quilt gave me lots of troubles. I designed it with borders because I thought Cathedral Windows were tricky, but it turns out that actually, it was the math for the borders that gave me the most trouble. And then a terrible ironing incident (imagine brown yucky water spewing out all over my beautiful pristine white fabric) caused some of the reds to bleed. Thankfully the kind folks on flickr helped to solve the problem...I just picked out the offending piece and sewed in a new one. Why couldn't I think of that???

Overall, I am pretty happy with this quilt. Again, I am hoping the Flea Market Fancy Effect will prevent my partner from looking at the flaws. Like the fact that the borders are not square (at all) and there is still a bit of bleeding in one of the yellow bouquet windows.

Here is the back of the quilt. As you can see the middle square isn't quilted...I had planned to bring the thread through from the buttons to have a tied effect, but it just looked funny. I'm assuming my partner won't want to wash it so I hope it is okay. You understand, right partner???

I also made my partner a little bag from a tutorial over at Pink Penguin. Isn't it cute? I love free tutorials....

I am so thankful that I finished this quilt (and in time for the mailing deadline no less). Now I can just sit back and wait for my own package. I love this swap!


Lesly said... 1

It's stunning! I'm sure she'll be thrilled!

~Michelle~ said... 2

shoot, if your partner doesn't like it, they can send it to me!

Holly said... 3

It's beautiful, Barb! Cathedral windows are calling to me. I've gotta try them sometime!

Andi said... 4

A stunning gift!

Millie said... 5

It's really really beautiful! You did an awesome job.

peaknits said... 6

What a beautiful little quilt. For causing you all sorts of problems - I don't think it shows one bit. Great quilting and I like the clever lone star on the back!

Deb Robertson Writes said... 7

That quilt is amazing, I think I would die of happiness if i got that, seriously, love love love!

Nanette Merrill said... 8

Can I have everything you've made???? I love these projects. I want!!! Seriously you've done such a great job. Fabrics, design - all superior.

Poppyprint said... 9

I didn't realize you were in Canada, too! Where are you? I'm in North Vancouver. I so wish this was coming my way...I love how you've bordered those gorgeous windows, and the buttons are just perfect, too!

Jackie's Stitches said... 10

I could not tell that this gave you any trouble at all! It's gorgeous and I know your swap partner will love it.

Tracey Jacobsen said... 11

I love it! to bits and bits I love it.

Trisha said... 12

It is so beautiful! Whoever is lucky enough to get it will treasure it always I am sure.

Diane said... 13

oh my goodness, this is beautiful!