Friday, February 18, 2011

Blue and Brown Whirlygig

I'm thrilled to show you another completed UFO! This one was started 2 years ago for a friend's wedding present. 

  Obviously, I am not opposed to sending late gifts. My mother causally suggested that I might consider sending some nice pottery the next time I get invited to a wedding. My husband agrees - he strongly encourages me to make small projects because they actually get finished.

This one is a good twin size. I forget the actual dimensions, but honest, it fits a twin bed perfectly.

Okay, back to the quilt. My other friend and I decided the we would each make half of the blocks in a variety of blues and browns. (I blatantly stole that idea from Amanda Jean...this quilt of hers was the inspiration. Here are the template measurements). All of my friend's blues and browns coordinate perfectly, while mine were much more scrappy. Together I think it is a great mix.

Ahhh...I love to see those KJR fabrics in an actual quilt instead of just on my shelf.

Since we don't live in the same town (or at that time, even the same province), she mailed me her blocks and the backing, and I sewed all of the lovelies together. I quilted it with a simple stipple. Say that three times, Simple Stipple, Simple Stipple, Simple Stipple!

The back...I'm loving a pieced back these days. We decided on a tropical print since they got married in Hawaii.
There was a point in the last two years that this quilt sat in my pile of UFOs that I really hated it. But now that it is finished, I'm really happy with the final product. My husband suggested that we keep it. While I was pretty tempted, I didn't...I dropped it off on my trip to Vancouver earlier in the month.

It feels great to check another one off the list!


Needled Mom said... 1

I love it!!!!! Late or not, it will be greatly appreciated. Let's see.....I got married 41 years ago. Would you like my address to send me a late wedding present? lol

Poppyprint said... 2

What a perfect wedding gift! I love it that you made it with a friend. I think it's nice to receive a quilt a little late, that way it's more special and doesn't get lost in the blenders, sheets, crock pots and yes, pottery!

Sewhappy said... 3

Well done to you. I also have a pile of UFO's though mine are mostly at quilting stage, they just sit there, time to time I will pick one up and quilt a bit more. Seeing your finished quilt has made me want to get through one of mine. Thank you! Oh and your quilt looks lovely, the person you made it for will be thrilled.

Nanette Merrill said... 4

Yay for finishes of UFOs. This one is great. I am sure you are very happy with it. Lovely.