Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The cobbler's kids get new shoes...

Or, the quilter's couch gets new pillows.

We've now lived in our new house for just over a year. When we moved, we bought our first ever, brand new chesterfield/sofa/couch. And for the entire year I had the pillows from the factory just sitting there, begging for fun, patchwork pillow covers.

After making fun pillows for a swap, I was finally inspired to make some for us. I found an old UFO(Pillow Talk Swap from 2010 that got rejected for this pillow) and quilted it up.

Then I picked some of my favourite blue and green prints and made a simple patchwork pillow.  I found some coordinating Nicey Jane fabric for the border. I love simple patchwork. But please ignore the funny shape of this pillow. The form is weird...I really need to get a different one!

My favourite is this little Heather Ross Van. Here it is up close:

And now my couch is happy.


Samantha said... 1

I love the colors! So perfect again your couch :) I see pillow making in my future.

Liz said... 2

That patchwork would match my couch perfectly! On the basis I can't have yours, I guess that needs to go on the list :-)

~Michelle~ said... 3

Lookin' good! And the couch that light still looks good with kiddos? Kudos to you, my friend! (says the girl who REALLY wants a new couch but thinks it might be better to wait til the girl child is a bit older)

tabbiegirl said... 4

These are gorgeous!

Sew Sisters Quilt Shop said... 5

They're such fun! Love the colors.

Poppyprint said... 6

They are really beautiful and fresh. I love the way they look on the grey couch!

Julia said... 7

I love, love, love your pillows! And I love the pillow form you think is a funny shape. It adds variety. You make such beautiful things. I have enjoyed reading your blog. Now I'm gonna follow you on bloglovin. My couches don't have any pillows, and I love them. I just needed a little inspiration, and yours are just the thing. Thanks!