Monday, August 19, 2013

Simple & Sweet Scrappy Swap

I know it might come as a bit of a surprise, but I joined another swap on flickr earlier this summer. This one is the Simple & Sweet Scrappy Swap. And now, with the deadline looming, I finally sat down to cut up 50 charms and make a simple pouch.

HR Pouch Close Up

My partner said she likes Heather Ross, so I dug into my scrap bin, and made two simple nine-patches for the pouch.

HR Pouch Side 2
Heather Ross Scrap Pouch

Although linen, a neutral solid, or even low volume would have been the expected choice for the border of the nine-patches, I decided that I didn't want to do the expected. I have tons of Brown Posies in my scrap bins (it was the backing of my Maple Leaf Rag - which, by the way, I really need to finish hand-sewing the binding so I can show it off), and I thought the colours helped to unite some of the colours of the HR scraps.

HR Pouch Side 1

It does strike a bit of the 1970's, with all the orange, brown and teal, but I'm okay with that. I was born in the 1970's after all, so it can't be all that bad.

Hello 1970s!
Heather Ross Zippered Pouch

I'm not going to show all of the charms just yet, I want my partner to get them first. But I promise I'll show them then. They are worth waiting for!

Sweet & Simple Swap
Simple & Sweet Scrappy Swap Package for my partner!


Carla said... 1

This is so sweet Barb. I have a tiny piece if that VW van fabric. It will be a sad day when that is gone. I love your pouch!

Deanna said... 2

I saw this on Flickr and I am loving it! Wish it was coming my way, but I don't think I said I liked Heather Ross. Lucky partner!
And the brown posies - never thought of the 70's when I saw it. I loved that print from the get go.

Poppyprint said... 3

Lucky partner! I'd say the border fabric is an inspired choice, actually. Gorgeous!

Cathy said... 4

Omg! Send it my way!

Helen @vintageglorybox on Insta and FB said... 5

This is so cute! You've done a lovely job with the pouch Barb!!

Cathy said... 6

Thank you so much!!!!! I am thrilled!

Anonymous said... 7

so so adorable!! so so lucky!

Samantha said... 8

Wow Barb this is gorgeous! I just saw it on Cathy's blog. Lucky lady ;)

Holly said... 9

It's just perfect! What lovely treasures in your pouch. I'm sure the pile of charms contained more special treats!