I arrived home from a long road trip to find a wonderful package waiting for me...my quilt for
DQS8. I instantly recognized the name and the country of origin and I literally started jumping up and down. The package was from
Tacha (Hanies) and she is a member of my
bee inspired VQB. She is an amazingly creative quilter and a great source of inspiration. Check out her
photostream...you won't regret it!

I tore open the packaging to discover the most wonderful little quilt. Tacha said that she tried to include all of my favourites: aqua and orange, circles, little birds, and gees bend. I'm thrilled...she nailed it!

I love the little birds and the beautiful black outline quilting.

And look at these amazing hexes on the back for the label. And I know how much work those little beauties are to make.
I love my little quilt and I can't wait to find a home for it. Thanks Tacha!