I finally finished my last block for the bee inspired Virtual Quilting Bee. It's a bit embarrassing to admit that this was supposed to be April's block, but I'm pulling out the "I just moved" excuse.
Lisa sent a beautiful mix of prints and solids for her block and asked for something inspired by a quilt Tacha made for her daughter. Go check out Tacha's gorgeous quilt...don't worry, I'll wait...check this one out too...it is made with lovely Heather Ross horses (which I adore) and improv style piecing. Yum.
As for my own bee inspired blocks. Do you remember this stack of fabric? Well, now it is a stunning stack of quilt blocks. I really need to move them out of the UFO pile and into the WIP pile. It would be a lovely complement to my new pillow in my living room.
Have you assembled any of your VQB quilts? Or are they like mine sitting in nicely organized piles? How do you get your inspiration to get them finished?