We came back from a quick trip down south to visit the Grandparents, and our Internet died! It is amazing just how much I can get done when I`m not constantly checking flickr, blogs, etsy, ebay, etc, etc. But we are now back online, and I`ve been working on a few projects.
I quilted that baby quilt from
my last post. I used
Nettie`s tutorial for straight line quilting. Let`s just say that I`m no
Rita from Red Pepper Quilts. The lines are what I`d like to call ``organic.` Part of me wants to pick some of them out, but the 34.5 week pregnant part of me decided to leave them as is. I am letting go of my perfectionism.
Almost done... |
I also got inspired to do some work on my quilt for the
Doll Quilt Swap 10. I machine appliqued the centre yesterday and made the backing. Now to just sandwich, baste, quilt and bind. Perhaps this weekend...
Doll Quilt Swap 10 quilt top complete. |
We`re finally getting some spring weather up here in the great white north. But there is still at least 5 feet of snow in the yard. My daughter was outraged yesterday that the snow didn`t miraculously melt with the first day of Spring. How do you tell a 4-year old that green grass is a long, long, way offÉ
Enjoy your Tuesday!
Note: For some reason, my laptop keyboard has decided to use the french settings this morning. That É is really supposed to be a question mark. I`ll figure out how to fix it today and I promise to fix this post asap.