Friday, October 4, 2013

Drunkard's Path: A Finished Quilt

This quilt was actually finished, and mailed off to it's new owner eons ago, but I never got a chance to share the finished quilt. Here she is.

Drunkard's Path
Drunkard's Path Quilt by Quilting Barbie

In the end, I was completely thrilled with how it turned out. At first, I was a bit nervous about all the bright colours, and then there was the whole quilting/machine eating my thread fiasco. But now that it is finished, sent away, and loved by it's new owner, I'm quite proud of my quilt.

Drunkard's Path
Drunkard's Path Quilt by Quilting Barbie

Quilt Stats:
Pattern: Circle Dance by Elisa's Backporch Design
Size: 63" x 70"
Templates: 7" and 3.5" Crazy Curve Templates by Elisa's Backporch Design
Fabric: From my stash (Denyse Schmidt Katie Jump Rope and FMF Legacy, Kate Spain Honeycomb, Tula Pink Salt Water, plus many others)
Backing Fabric: Sarah Jane Out to Sea, Denyse Schmidt Chicopee, Kona Cotton, plus one unknown from my stash.
Quilting: FMQ Stippling by me.

Drunkard's Path Quilt Back
Quilt Back in the dark

The real reason I haven't shared the quilt is that I am not happy with the photos that I took of it. I was in a rush to get it in the mail, so I quickly snapped a few shots in the evening after the kids were in bed. Not a great time to take photos. This is really something that I need to work on. Do you have any great tips? I just got a hand-me-down DSLR from my Mom, but I'm still using the auto focus. I need to learn how to use the manual settings!

All wrapped up!

Linking up with Amanda Jean's Finish it Up Friday!


alidiza said... 1

What a fabulous finish!!! I love the bright colors and the occasional mini circle:-) It is sure to be loved:-)

Andy said... 2

Lovely quilt - and your photos aren't that bad! I know what you mean about taking good quilt photos. For me it's all about lighting. I've found the sweet spot in my home that gets good indirect, afternoon light and it works great for quilts. I also took a photography class through one of the local community colleges. Best of luck!

Samantha said... 3

What a great quilt! I bought the retro flower quilt pattern just after I started quilting (well a year ago) and still haven't worked up the courage for curves. Love the colors too!

Kat said... 4

Love the fun colors and pattern! I feel your pain about the pictures. Some times there just isn't a good time!

~Michelle~ said... 5

Love it, Barb! And as far as photo skills go, check if your local parks department has a class.

Kymberly said... 6

Shooting with a DSLR on manuel takes a bit of practice. When I was learning with mine I would set up a shot and then go through all of the ISO and appature settings. It really helped me figure out the settings. Also invest in a tripod. (I think I spent about 30 dollars for mine.) It's a pain to take the extra time to set it up, but the picture quality reflects the investment of time in using the tripod. Lovely quilt and pictures.

barbara woods said... 7

I have never liked that block but it looks wonderful in your quilt, love the colors

nicole said... 8

This is absolutely beautiful! Love the riot of colours!

Alisa said... 9

It's beautiful!

Susan said... 10

What a beautiful quilt! You did a great job with the photos! More photos next time!!

Liz said... 11

It looks fantastic - I'd be proud if it too! And there's nothing wrong with the photos, I just want to see the quilt :-)

Fran said... 12

It's such a pretty quilt!

ipatchandquilt said... 13

It is truly gorgeous, yummy and joyfull!
esthersipatchandquilt at yahoo dot com
ipatchandquilt dot wordpress dot com

Carla said... 14

Good for you! This is fabulous. Curves are on my must learn list. Great finish

sarah elizabeth :: {no} hats said... 15

I love the effect from the light/dark value placement -- it sort of sparkles :)

Dona said... 16

You should be proud! it is just beautiful. I love the colors, the pattern, the curves and how it all works together. really nice!

What Comes Next? said... 17

love it Barb!

Gemini Jen NZ said... 18

Absolutely gorgeous! Well done!

Kathy@KayakQuilting said... 19

The quilt is gorgeous! And the pictures do it justice! But if you are looking for more advice on photos, skip on over to Plum and June...she has some great ideas there.

arncar said... 20

I am often disappointed with the lighting when taking photos of quilts too but I download them onto my computer using Picasa and tweek them slightly - usually just need to add shadow and it brings them back to the original colour.
Your quilt is beautiful.

michelle @ sewnhenge said... 21

This is so gorgeous! I love drunkard's path and this one is beautiful :D My first "real" quilt was also drunkard's, I just love looking at them! I love the little circle blocks you threw in there too!

Lisa in Port Hope said... 22

It's a wonderful quilt. I think the first photo is fine...sometimes late afternoon light is the best.