Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Wonky Quilt and a new Swap

Hello Friends! And Happy February. How is it already February? And time to set goals for A Lovely Year of Finishes. As you probably could have guessed, I didn't actually get my quilt top done for January. But I did get all of the blocks made. So it I'm carrying it forward for February.

Finally finished all the blocks. Now to square up and get this baby done.
Maple Leaf Rag Quilt - all the blocks are finally finished!
 My goal for February is to get my Maple Leaf quilt top and backing finished. I've actually started sewing a few of the blocks together, and it is one wonky quilt. The wonkiest I've ever made. And it isn't supposed to be a wonky quilt. Oh well. I'm just going to go for it.

And I am so excited to be in a new swap on flickr. Since it was a US only swap, I was so excited when Leona let me participate. (Never mind that I begged :)) But Katy and I were thinking that maybe we could start up our own Canadian Edition. What do you think? Do you want to swap some text charms?

Text Swap
Fabric for TEXT me a charm swap

We are thinking that we will aim for 28 Canadian swappers. If we all buy 2 half metres of fabric, we can swap 56 charms. What do you think? Any interest?

It is beautiful and sunny here! I'm off to enjoy the sunshine. Enjoy your day


Alisa said... 1

I am very interested Barb! I looked longingly at the text swap too.

Josée said... 2

Oh my Barb! Your quilt is looking AMAZING! I still remember when you had just started it! You'd be proud of me I've been making a twin size quilt (out of the fabric you gave me) and I'm slowly free motion quilting it :) ps. I would be interested in participating in the swap.

Jenny Watson Blogs said... 3

I have seen many quilts but really this quilt is best of all thank you very much for the sharing and just keep up the good work.

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Carla said... 4

Your quilt will be lovely!
P.s. I'm a new follower

Rebecca Grace said... 5

I love your web blocks -- I have always wanted to try one like that. It's going to be gorgeous when you finish it up; such a joyful, splashy combination of colors and prints. :-)l

Anonymous said... 6

Great work.keep it up.
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Unknown said... 7
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Unknown said... 8

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